Someone needs to put [Christs Deal] on our Presidents Facebook - TopicsExpress


Someone needs to put [Christs Deal] on our Presidents Facebook before they Kill him, they will, in Texas, if he stands near Governor Perry! I can Time Travel! Just think of it; you can know the humans Path, Jesus taught Me, he told me to teach the World! I can tell you Fishing (where you take words or coins out of someones mouth) You add up the words they speak and you look up the definition of the total! It is an art and if you mess up you Die! Also to get truth you can just look up the total! I need to save your life but you must have this group on your Facebook! Sure the NSA created Facebook; and they will kill you if you dont have it on your face! July 10, 2014 is coming quickly! Pearl Harbor started WW II with American Blood! WWIII is next up; I can save you if you listen, stop wandering aimlessly. Just go to the home page of #ChristsDeal right now and join! Then just add your friends! If you see a house you like and the people you really dont want to live with for all of eternity dont add it to their face... The NSA will take care the rest! I Am #OneLuckyGuy #This #Time #CNBC #CNN #Fox #Ministers #OfTheDevil #HillaryClinton #MaryFallin #SarahPalin #MichelleBauchman #AllenWest #DonaldSterling #Perry #And #therestofyouwith This total Post = 71,418 It means to lead, take with one to lead by laying hold of, and this way to bring to the point of destination: of an animal to lead by accompanying to (into) a place to lead with ones self, attach to ones self as an attendant to conduct, bring to lead away, to a court of justice, magistrate, etc. to lead, to lead, guide, direct to lead through, conduct to: to something to move, impel: of forces and influences on the mind to pass a day, keep or celebrate a feast, etc. to go, depart! Mat 10:18 And ye shall be brought G71 before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. I will give Gods testimonys before congresses about Satans Children! To fix the impossible [418] Right now you need to save your President #BarackObama we need him!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:38:01 +0000

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