Someone on a friends thread where I found this post, thinks these - TopicsExpress


Someone on a friends thread where I found this post, thinks these are people killed in Syria---which almost certainly means (if it is a recent picture) that these are victims of ISIS. I know Israel isnt killing anyone there. And I dont want to seem cold, but if these are people in Gaza, it is their own fault for electing terrorist groups of Hezbollah & Hamas into their government (vows to obliterate Israel & Jews everywhere)---& not going after all Hamas leaders themselves once all this started. Instead, they enthusiastically teach their born-innocent children, from their first breath, to hate & want to kill all Jews everywhere, drill into their little brains that they must DESIRE & SEEK to be martyrs, and trains them in school to shoot, fight & kill Jews instead of learning the 3 Rs. They WANT to be martyrs. Hold their evil parents accountable for that. Not the Israelis. These people all chose evil---they have chosen to reap the rewards of evil. And the leaders of this evil are publishing these pictures to try to play your heart strings like a fiddle. Fact : Israel = good, Hamas = evil. But nevertheless, we all die. This earthly life is but a blink in time for the most long-living among us here. What matters is the long loooong life that comes after & where we will or wont spend it. I wont weep & gnash my teeth for those who choose evil, as they chose it for themselves. I didnt choose it for them. The 2nd definition of martyr, which applied to Hamas. Dont allow their evil to work on your good heart : 1mar·tyr noun \ˈmär-tər\ 2 : a person (or organization / Hamas) who pretends to suffer or who exaggerates suffering in order to get praise or sympathy
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 15:11:14 +0000

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