Someone on an earlier strand asked me to respond to his question - TopicsExpress


Someone on an earlier strand asked me to respond to his question about religion. He spoke about the Christian God and raised a lot of issues with the Christian religion. I wanted to share part of my answer here in the hopes of explaining at least SOME of my views. Answer: For one thing, Id recommend you read my writing. Theres a great deal in what Ive written, both about my life and my journey, as well as my spirituality (still changing and growing) and about healing. To answer your question quickly, I am not a big fan of organized religion. I was raised Catholic (LOL--were the most miserable), then went through all forms of Protestantism; Objectivism; Agnosticism/Atheism; individualism in all its variations; never was a big fan of collectivism; voraciously studied logic, reason, Aristotle, Plato, all the greats from Greco-Roman history, up through the enlightenment (espec. Locke and Rousseau), capitalism (I am a big fan of laissez faire to an extent, so long as charity is somehow covered). Anyway, the place I am at now is I dont think you need to walk through the doors of any church or any halls of learning to find God. I think you need to listen to that which exists inside all of us. Call it your inner light, your holy spirit--whatever. Find God within and connect to Him to get back Home. If church helps you--great! If you follow a different faith than I do and it helps you find God--good! Whatever gets you Home, whatever brings you peace and love and grace--is good. I believe we must use all our senses (especially the much under-developed sixth sense, or intuition), our reason, all we know and experience, and try to find in ourselves the key to our own salvation. Only we can unlock that in ourselves, and whatever helps us do that is (I think) a good thing.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:56:11 +0000

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