Someone once told me Be BOLDLY you! ------ With that said, - TopicsExpress


Someone once told me Be BOLDLY you! ------ With that said, Happy National Coming Out Day! If I was never told that statement above, I probably wouldnt write this. I came out to my family and friends about three years ago and its been the boldest and most courageous move Ive ever done. I am proud to be a gay man. It hasnt always been the easy road, but I wouldnt trade that day for anything. Accepting myself was and has been a very slow and painful process. I lost friends along the way whom I thought would be there for me till the very end. But its ok, because I learned to accept it. Im not embarrassed to be who I am or say that I am Gay. I grew up in a very strong religious upbringing, and I remember for years constantly praying and asking God to please change me. Change my thoughts and feelings. I dont want to go through life being made fun of or ridiculed. I am tired of being called sissy, faggot and gay. I remember going to sleep at night crying that hoping when I woke up the following morning, I would be straight. That day never came! I dont want to go in full complete detail, because then this post would be very long. As I said, this road has been very challenging and painful deciding when I should come out. As a kid being picked on for having mostly female friends throughout my school years, raised in church, enlisting in the military, and finally the road I am on today! The day I decided to tell my parents was the day this HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders. All I wanted to hear was we still love you....thats exactly what I got! I am very grateful to this day that The Lord above gave me the courage and strength to come out despite who agrees with me or not. If you are out there and you read this, love yourself for who you are no matter what. I didnt write my short story for you to come out. Its your personal choice when you should. You should never be forced. And dont be forced. Remember you are loved no matter if you feel you are not. You may be struggling, and thats ok. Take your time and be YOU. One of my greatest challenges in life has been accepting myself for who I am. Thats my greatest accomplishment in my very own personal life. #comingout
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 21:10:27 +0000

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