Someone please come put me down! The pain today is so severe I - TopicsExpress


Someone please come put me down! The pain today is so severe I cant handle it anymore. I cant even get out of bed because I collapse when try to walk or even stand. None of the meds I still have (thanks Obama and Obamacare for taking away all of the ones that semi worked, great change my ass) are even offering any relief, not even a tiny bit. Sorry to whine folks, I dont typically do so publicly. Just trying to get my mind off of it. Any thoughts and prayers or candles or whatever your beliefs are would be greatly appreciated. I seriously cant take the pain levels. Hospital trip when Jen gets off work I guess. :/. Obviously not Hanover General since they wont even so anything for pain except accuse you of being a drug seeker and anyone who even barely knows me can attest to that being the furtherest from the truth with me , bunch of douchecanoes run that cesspool of a hospital!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:27:08 +0000

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