Someone please explain to me this obsession by women with being - TopicsExpress


Someone please explain to me this obsession by women with being the man, in a relationship or playing both mother and father...... why cant women just be satisfied with being the best Woman or Mother they can be? Tell me, as a woman, if you fail in this category are you NOW a terrible Man? Father-figure? Doubtful. Form follows function; if you function properly, things will begin to form themselves. This does not make you an inadequate woman. You are very much a multifaceted individual. But to downplay the roll of a Father or Man by claiming the job as your own is ridiculous to me. Thats like me telling you pregnancy isnt all that difficult---we ALL know where that conversation goes. As you Queens do an amazing job being yourselves, allow a Man or your King to do his job----if he falls short of that, pick him up. Be his support or keep it moving. #rantdone
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:24:31 +0000

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