Someone sent in the transcript of the censored Kirchner speech -- - TopicsExpress


Someone sent in the transcript of the censored Kirchner speech -- thank you -- I cut and pasted it .Media censor Argentina presidents remarks at UN Argentina’s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Mainstream media outlets have censored the comments made by the Argentine president at the United Nations General Assembly where she harshly criticized the US international policies. During her speech before the United Nations 69th General Assembly on September 24, Argentina’s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner covered a variety of issues from economic reforms needed at the International Monetary Fund to the plight of Palestinians and the global fight against terrorism. The Argentine president questioned countries such as the United States for attacking groups, including the ISIL Takfiri terrorists which Washington previously backed against the Syrian government. “Where do ISIS (ISIL) and Al-Qaeda take their guns from? Yesterday’s freedom fighters are today’s terrorists,” Cristina Fernandez said, blasting US policies vis-a-vis terrorism. The ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, control large parts of Syrias northern territory. The group sent its members into neighboring Iraq in June and seized large parts of land there. The US and its allies recently launched airstrikes against ISIL terrorists in Iraq and later extended the aerial campaign to Syria. Fernandez also touched on judicial cooperation with Iran over the issue of the 1994 AMIA Jewish center bombing in the capital, Buenos Aires, and the political pressure that has been exerted on Argentina by the US and Israeli lobbies in that regard. Tehran and Buenos Aires signed a memorandum of understanding on January 27, 2013 to jointly probe the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA), which killed 85 people and wounded 300 others. The Argentine president dismissed the allegations against Iran concerning the 1994 deadly bomb attack, saying the investigations conducted by Buenos Aires proved that Iran was not involved in the bombing. Under intense political pressure imposed by the US and Israel, Argentina had formally accused Iran of having carried out the bomb attack. Tehran has denied any involvement in the attacks and denounced accusations against Iranian citizens in connection with the blast as a false flag to screen the real perpetrators behind the bombing. YH/NN/HRB
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:49:32 +0000

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