Someone stated recently concerning Islamophobia , ”If a - TopicsExpress


Someone stated recently concerning Islamophobia , ”If a phobia is an irrational fear then what is religion? Because religion is an irrational belief. Im not islamophobic, Im religophobic. If you believe you have an invisible person guiding your life then thats your business. When you start imposing your psychosis on me its a different story. There is NO place for religion in public life. Its a private belief. Keep your god out of my government. This statement was accompanied by others which contained catch phrases we hear all the time indicating the speaker has been receptive to the modern propaganda espoused in the indoctrination centers ,sold to the public as education institutions, media outlets, and halls of government. This is my reply: Religion will forever be involved in public life ,or what is apparently implied by that phrase, government. The question is, which religion shall be preeminent ? Our nations Father of the Constitution defined religion as the duty one owed to God. One problem we have in this modern era is to impose our present definitions of words upon an earlier period. The doctrine of seperation of Church and State so popular in todays culture, has no basis in law as it is popularly represented and contrary to the social engineers on the Supreme Court. In fact, it was the decision of the Supreme Court which drove the religion of Christianity out of the government schools and replaced (established) it with the religion of Secular Humanism. It is this religion of Secular Humanism , built upon irrational faith in materialistic naturalism and unscientific macro biological evolution, which is being inculcated in the government school system. It was necessary to do so in order to condition the masses to accept a new social order introduced by those embracing the Progressive ideology which drastically departs from the philosophy of government expressed by our nations founding fathers in the Unanimous Declaration and the Constitution they ratified. I for one advocate a restoration of the Constitutional Republic which can only occur if our people embrace religion (Christianity) and morality (adherence to Gods Law). Of course the Biblical role of the Church is to gain disciples through persuasion and not coercion. The Biblical role of government is to secure our God-given rights by punishing evil-doers. The problem with establishing Secular Humanism as the preeminent religion is its conflict with absolutism, reality and its irrationality. What is its standard or final authority ? Can a government govern rightly when it embraces a religion which has no ability to determine right from wrong ? Of course it regularly decrees what is right and what is wrong, but by what authority other than its own ? Biblical Christianity is very tolerant of people with opposing views but should be intolerant of those seeking to subject the law of God to the law of unstable irrational man . The fact that America has been transformed illegally by the Progressives from a Christian Constitutional Republic into what at first glance is a Secular Humanist Socialist Democracy but upon examination is found to be an Oligarchy, escapes the notice of those indoctrinated in the government schools. The question, are you more or less free today than you were at anytime in your past can only be answered in the negative. This is indicative of the gradual encroachment of government into every area of our lives as socialism tends to enslave by restricting individual liberty for the benefit of the collective. Edmund Burke stated that the limitation of government is the essence of liberty. If this is true then we can easily see that accompanying the exclusion of Christianity from the public domain and its replacement by Secular Humanism with its advocacy for more and more government, we are entering a period of a technologically advanced dark ages. The dark ages, by the way, is when Islam originated.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:45:54 +0000

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