Someone who has been part of our family for twenty years was - TopicsExpress


Someone who has been part of our family for twenty years was incarcerated for a couple of days some years back because his son eloped and married a muslim colleague at the call centre where they were employed. When the man was missing for two days we enquired and then got him released thanks to the good offices of a muslim policeman who convinced the Girls parents that she is old enough to decide whom she wishes to marry. After a year and more of protection at the fathers home , the couple moved out and are now expecting a baby. The Girls parents now visit the couple . The son gives his father a decent sum for his household from their relatively meagre income. In contrast, the second son who trained in Bakery Production in a Rotary Run institution sits at home, refusing to earn despite the pressures at home. The father , having left our services for health reasons now undertakes house keeping assignments and earns tidy sum . I am sure there are millions of such happenings all over this beautiful land that is ours. I think this is what India is all about. Call it Bharatiyata, Hindutwa, Tehzeeb .
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:21:47 +0000

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