Something I decided to write, doubt many will read but its worth a - TopicsExpress


Something I decided to write, doubt many will read but its worth a shot, I think the problem in our society is how much weve let ourselves go. Weve gone so far, that sometimes we cant come back. And now its like, people believe their entitled to be rude and immature to EVERYBODY, thats not how it freaking works. There are countless people in this generation, that throw their bodies out to people, just let them be. Let them throw around their bodies to males/females. (Im not in favour of that, but just let them be). Let people do boob signs and butt signs, you might not be in favour of it, but calling that girl a slut is a wrong move on your part. Calling that boy a faggot because of the way he talks, dresses, walks, etc, is only making you look ridiculous, and at the end of the day, you dont know what he might go through at home, his mental state and when one day you see his self harm scars, think to yourself, Was that joke really funny? Let those boys & girls drink and smoke, you think its a stupid idea? Keep your opinion to yourself and act mature. That girl that has been sleeping with multiple boys? Dont be a douche and call her horrid names, get over it! It isnt impacting you at all. Im not saying its right for these boys and girls to go and do that, but Im not going to just be completely and utterly rude and tell them the way to live their life. At the end of the day, if you dont like the way someone lives their life, then focus on yours and move on. The amount of negativity thrown around in Society is revolting and makes me want to hurl. Tonight, Ive witnessed people telling one another to kill themselves, go cut you Emo, have another cigarette, youre one step towards death! :), and more, and it made me think, what goes through these kids minds, to let the phrase, kill yourself slip from their lips. Let the people, like me, who listen to such dark, Emo, screaming music, alone. Leave us alone. Leave the people who listen to another genre of music alone. Leave people alone. Holy crap. Doubt many of you will read, however, remind yourselves that we are the only ones in control of our lives and if you want to bully people out of theirs, then find a new past time, and reconsider your actions.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:25:24 +0000

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