Something I have been working on. Thoughts and constructive - TopicsExpress


Something I have been working on. Thoughts and constructive criticism welcomed as always Tango Seven Three Fear pulses through me, each panicky beat of my heart The booming of the gong of terror Knees kept from trembling by my weight Crouched on them as we wait, wait for the order, GO GO GO! The gray metal gate jerks open and we run for our lives Eyes searching the dark as we sprint in adrenalin slow motion For the first four hundred yards then down Garden wall shadows of safety as we check the road ahead. One last sweep then up and walk, eyes searching cars, people Houses for you, your elusive spoor, your mark. Watched by hateful eyes, laser stares burning as Dry mouthed and scared we patrol for their safety. Everyday objects the locus for fear in this familiar scene A bin a bomb, a bike a bomb, a pram a bomb. A crowd a riot, children fighting an ambush and always the hatred Still you wait patiently for our coming to give you purpose We know you, your ways, your means yet still fear you. Feel you in our hearts, taste you in the dry spit. See you in the stillness of the road, in the next deserted street You fill our senses. We know you are there Knowledge no shield as we walk that long walk, Sights and tensions raised, Pinhole pictures of lifetimes in seconds flash with each pace. Fear tightening hearts and minds as we draw close to your lair, You hiding deep, eyes connected by long, hidden wire. Jackpot, You leap, the flowers bloom, the street lights as your apocalypse dawns Twisted metal and broken glass sing as they pass, Chased by your terrible roar, deafening and angry, Tearing at our ears, our clothing as you scream your hate loud, “Zero this is Tango Seven Three. Contact. India Echo Delta, Divis Road. Urgent assistance. Casualties. Wait out!”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 14:28:07 +0000

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