Something I know know is that true love cant die. If it does, its - TopicsExpress


Something I know know is that true love cant die. If it does, its proof it was never true love. Scripture says love is as strong as death..It also says The very flame of the LORD. Scripture goes on to say..Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow is the key. Scripture says do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time. Why? Its lethal. Something scripture says is as strong as death, is not something you want to awaken until God joins you to that person. It will throw your faith out of balance. It will flood your thoughts and cause God to take the back seat. It will also distract you from the course God has you on; and ultimately; it will cause you not to prosper. So what is its proper time and place? Jesus said For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. What most people do not know is that the word united in that verse was not referring to intercourse. Nor was it referring to a marriage vow. The Greek word is proskollaó, and its a strange Greek word because it means I glue one thing to another, I join. Who is the I? Its not you, and its not your person youre courting. I hear people often quote What God has brought together let no man separate. My argument is this. If God brought it together it will never separate. Even if youre married to another person. Even if that person is married to another person. But what happened in the garden? We took something God didnt give us. We thought it would complete us. We didnt listen to God. We didnt trust God. If a piece of paper was a marriage, then Adam was never married to Eve. If intercourse was marriage, then there are a lot of women married to rapists. But None of those things are marriage. Marriage is true love, and scripture affirms that when you have it, its as strong as death; and you never lose it. You would never get a divorce. You would never fall out of love with that person, even in old age. You would love them the same. The only thing you have to know is this. People compromise. They dont want to wait. They rush into things. They dont wait on God to join them to someone. They dont trust in Gods timing. They take the forbidden fruit, and they realize they are naked. The serpents lie. Why is it Christians allow God to lead them in every area of life except this one? This should be one of the most important things to wait on God for because scripture says its a representation of Christ and his church. Psalm 27:13- Wait for the LORD; be strong and courageous. Wait for the LORD. ~ Jess Kienel
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:13:24 +0000

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