Something I learn from internet is that is possible to know many - TopicsExpress


Something I learn from internet is that is possible to know many people, but from a far distance, and we may never know each other, we may never meet, or even really talk. So that make difficult a long time or close relationship. Is like many people come to say hello and how are you, and as so easy they tell you somethings, so easy they go way, and say see you, good bye or good luck in your life. Other people however you may know, you may talk, you may meet, and can keep in touch some time. It is even possible you may say love each other, or miss each other. There are other people who may love you and promise love you for ever. Some may be honest with you, some may be lie for you all the time, or some time. After all what you learn with it? Is internet a safe place to meet the people that you will keep in your life for ever? Or is for ever something not real? Why we believe have for ever, if reality shows you something for ever is just a dream that some time you believe and one day its gone with a simple word of goodbye and good luck. Have really love in internet? Is it real? Or just because people are far from each other, eventhough what they say they feel is strong and for ever, it can stop all they say and feel just in a day when you have not good mood, or in a day they not have good mood too? Possibly a internet relationship like love may not last long, and may be is not for ever? Well I do not know the answer, so I question myself and I still not sure. One thing I know, many relationships in internet not last long, maybe because the people are not near to each other, or because have many people say love you, or miss you same time. Anyways true love should live for ever, and should not say goodbye or good luck in your life and should not say we not see again. But as everything in life, we must be strong, learn with eveyrthing, not believe in all we hear, not believe in all we read in internet, and not wait too much, same not believe in promises that may seems very good to hear, but one day they simply vanish from the people who have promised something to you, but for whom their for ever was just a promise they never keep for ever, and one day will break promise so easy as so easy they will go away from you. Is also not easy to have good understand when two people have two diferente cultures, two different languages, no it not easy have understand, and even you may believe someone love you so much, or have strong feeling for you, now I disbelieve that. Because anykind of relationship on internet, friendship or love, is easy to happen, to say, and show, but is easy to stop feel, is easy to delete and is easy to finish. So where is real friendship or love? Well, for know that you need really a long time to know. Time will show you everything, and time will really tell you who is really the people who will stay in your life as friends or only time a long time will really show you where is real, true, strong, and everlasting love, if is it really possible to find that kind of love????? I may ask now if there is really love somewhere that you can find and never end for you? Well, to that question I have na answer. And that is I still believe have love, and I still believe have someone who will love you for ever no matter what will happen. That will be the kind of love everyone is looking for, the unconditional love, that after all is the kind of real love, unconditional!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:05:38 +0000

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