Something I message a friend.......I forget what they call this - TopicsExpress


Something I message a friend.......I forget what they call this type of marketing Joe, but it is basically very much like the old pyramid schemes. The key in this type of new marketing is to see how long they have been in business. The ones that make it past 3 years are usually trustworthy. Better yet 5 years. The key in any business where you sell products, is to have good products that work of coarse. Especially in health product businesses.That helps to create positive business building word of mouth.Thats a must! I have to tell you what my gut is telling me.Really the whole chakra system gut feeling thing is the one I go with. It starts with a simple thought connected to divine conscious awareness and that for me creates a positive or negative divine feeling in the solar plexus.That in turn creates another divine reality effecting feeling in the heart. Well, for me, from the first second I became aware of this through you, in my lower mind, I instantly got a positive feeling(sometimes connected to what I call divine goosebumps)in that entire process of my inner chakra system. Ill get back to you sometime this weekend after I go to my Quartz chakra energizer and balancer on Mount Joy and Mount Misery. I feel the need to get more grounded and balanced.Tomorrow is gonna be a bit nasty, but I never let weather stop me........ The first time I was led there through the oneness of inner divine thought, the wind was gusting a little over 40 mph. I was getting hit with good size debris and branches from the 120 - 150 ft tall yellow poplars too. So I thought,Maybe I should turn around because I could get seriously injured! But the inner divinely connected urge that I was acting upon, was so great it dispelled those fears immediately and I pushed on. And Im sooooo joyful I did,that now!!!,.Its been a wild enthralling series of experiences encompassing both sides of our reality and much in between,both inwardly and outwardly, involving the energies of the two Mounts and the balance within and between them. Thinking back now on that moment of decision involving the debris hitting me. If I had let the winds and debris falling that was created by the remnants of Hurricane Arthur, scare me away(And they came a little close to doing that for a second), I may have never discovered and realized what I did about the 2 Mounts in Valley Forge.Something I heard a long time ago is fitting for that moment and any moments you feel lower self created fear attempting to stop you from acting. And,instinctively you may have a gut feeling that you are on a divine path. Anyway,that something I heard was this.Never let your ego driven fears direct, detour or define the actions of the timeless divine consciousness of the highest mind that is the real mindful you. I just added a lot to it, the real something was, Dont let your fears dictate your future. But I dont like the concept of future as something that isnt contained in our ever expanding now.Like something outside of it........ It aint easy to know the difference between divinely connected and created thoughts, emotions and feeling, and that type of awareness and consciousness, and or fears that are created from that same lower mind or ego.The way you can tell 100% is through a balanced chakra system. You must have that first, and then when you become aware of something and or get a thought , or decisive moment leading you toward an action... a thought that comes from the higher mind always gives you a gut feeling next and so can the lower mind. But, Its really not hard to tell the difference between the two if you have a well balanced , energized and grounded chakra system. Because a higher mind or self thought, gives you a much different physical feeling in your solar plexus then a thought from the lower mind or ego self. The physical feeling in the solar plexus from your divine self feels like a constant warm electromagnetic adrenaline like feeling. And that feeling comes from and through our connection to Kether, which is the seat of divine consciousness on the tree of life in Kabbalah. Thats what our highest self is connected to in this universe and what it is...Divine consciousness..As above so below. And I was told in a really beautiful dream that judgement comes through Kether also. I got a very strong message in that dream that we shouldt waste any time judging ourselves or others harshly or in a negative way. We NEED to uplift each other if we are going to evolve toward our creator in Love. Negative judgement should not be our focus relating to ourselves or others.. Be lovemenatal not judemental.........Its not easy at all to relate or explain in words how to discern between the urges of thoughts, emotions, feelings of the lower mind, or the same of the higher mind or true self.. Words just dont do a good enough job and always seem to fall short when attempting to do this. If it was easy, the world would be a much more peaceful place, but I think on the lower level and the higher level, it would be a much different place. Probably not as interesting as it is now. It was created Im sure to be this way, duality of oneness in a very interesting balance of consciousness that has swung like a scale or pendulum from one side to the other forever. I think, feel, and actively give myself over to the creative process in my own way, using the inner kingdom of heaven to help bring a new divine balance between light and dark, good and evil yin and Yang or what ever you prefer to call it. A balance where these two divine energies of nature, serve one another in a balanced oneness. And in doing this I have come to realize, that it is much about slowing down the wild swing of the pendulum of our natural world, both inwardly and outwardly as it relates to me and the earth. And I dearly Love this earth and feel so grateful to be here where I am at this moment within an ever changing now.. Ive been extremely fortunate to be able in my journey in life, to become a part of a new creation in Valley Forge National Park. And I am extremely grateful to have crossed paths with so many wonderful teachers on the internet, like, Bill Donahue, Greg Braden, Danny Wilten, Nasssim Haramein and so many others. These people are on incredible life journeys of their own, and Im divinely drawn to teachers like them because they combine science, history, religions and divine consciousness and do a lot of comparison science. Im still growing and always will be, but what they and many others have shared on the internet about their lifes journeys, has completely changed my thinking and my life for the better. Im eternally grateful for that. But it was my decision and choice to finally get connected to the internet that made it all possible. And that was I know because of an inner and outer thirst and search for divine truth, both of the dark and the light. Led by and through divine consciousness.Interestingly,I was inwardly led back to experience the new energies and balance within and between the two mounts in the park. And unexpectedly while I was sitting on a beautiful end of a quartz vein on Mount Misery,I heard these words through thought. Be open, relax, let go and release.I was also told through thought(In oneness with my divine self),that these things are akin and reflective of one another, but done in this order, they produce the most growth and empowerment.....So Joe......Yes Im all in!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:26:28 +0000

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