Something I wrote elsewhere I thought interesting to post - TopicsExpress


Something I wrote elsewhere I thought interesting to post here Reality check. Republicans live in the real world as it is which Leftwingers cant accept. Thats not to say this is always a good thing as the real world is an imperfect reality which is what Leftwingers see Republicans reflecting. Republicans resist change that doesnt prove itself and the very nature of a Conservative is to preserve which is something most leftwingers dont quite understand when they are such intellectuals they dont notice this definition of Conservatives in every dictionary, school class book and college course in the world. Preserving doesnt mean regressive... fighting a needed change without giving it a chance is regressive which they can be guilty of. Meanwhile, Liberals dont even know who they are anymore. Look at Bill Maher who got into a confrontation with your typical leftwinger, in the form of Ben Affleck, and learned the hard way that the extreme left has fully taken over the left as a whole. There he is defending Liberal views against someone who clearly isnt a Liberal and yet, people calling themselves Liberals sided with Affleck and got Maher barred from a commencement speech at Berkeley University. Being a Liberal means you are only majority leftwing in our views. Liberals like Ronald Reagan learned the lesson Maher just learned back in the 1960s, switched political parties becoming what you can only call a Liberal Republican at first and then he became a full fledged Conservative albeit not a hard headed one. Then you have the Neocons who began as Liberals who turned on the Liberal ideal platform during the Great Depression seeing a huge number of Socialists and Communists joining the Democrat Party calling themselves Liberals (Socialists) and Progressives (Communists) perverting what those groups stood for. The called themselves New Conservatives to separate themselves from these faux Liberals and Progressives and that evolved into Neoconservative over time. In the 1960s and early 70s, a new wave of Socialists and Communists did this curing the Counter Culture and the unions, which Neocons until this point strongly supported, shifted almost 100% to the left. The Neocons began their own shift and by the mid 1970s, most were Republicans. Hell, even JFK was a Neocon by every definition applied to him and the so called Liberals led by Eleanor Roosevelt did everything they could to keep him from winning office because he believed people still had to earn their way. He invented the concept of Affirmative Action to tear down the barriers that kept women and blacks from gaining what they had earned and opposed Jim Crow... but he warned you cannot use a quota system or promote anyone based on race or gender because that was, in essence, what Jim Crow was all about. If you give a black man a job just because hes black, for whatever reason, then a more deserving non black man or woman will be denied a job in favor of the black man solely based on skin color. Thus, the reason Republicans almost always choose JFK as one of their top five favorite Presidents even in years when Democrats do not. Leftwing Democrats are so discriminating and hateful, that to express yourself as a true Liberal and support your rightwing views... you must either go Independent, become a Moderate or become a Liberal Republican. Again, look at Bill Maher https://youtube/watch?v=wcB-zvsRslY Notice that he still addresses Liberals from the way most do in order to pacify the extreme left... he even refers to the movement and ideals as extreme leftwing at the very start of the video. But then, he stresses later about True Liberals weighing in on this when he cant even bring himself to specifically name who attacked him, tried to stop him from giving the commencement speech and called him a racist... the extreme left. Whenever the left hears about a shooting, they immediately start screaming rightwing racist conservative Christian Republican murderer... when well over 90% of the time it turns out that its a Liberal or one of the groups they claim to represent and defend against the very discrimination the left just proved themselves guilty of committing. Whenever they push an ideal that fails, the faux Liberal Progressives just walk away. While everyone does this at some point, they do it all the time and act like they dont know what you are talking about when you address what they did and that it failed... they just ignore you. A true Progressive understands that to make progress you must break a few eggs. But, if you burn the eggs when you cook them, admit you burned the eggs, correct what you did wrong and feed the burned eggs to your dog. If you learn you cant cook eggs... then you find someone who can if you want to eat eggs... its just that simple and what passes for a Progressive today is nothing more than a Communist in a different coat who burns the eggs and you either eat them or you dont because an egg is an egg is an egg even when its a sausage... they say its an egg and you either eat it or starve. So, lets be real here for a moment. There are many who call themselves rightwingers who are Paleocons and other such groups that are extreme right. Then you have the Neocons who are nothing more than rightwing Liberals who were forced to draw a line in the sand against the Communists and Socialists because their values are true Liberal and they ally with rightwing Conservatives in the Republican Party because they view the Democrats for what they are... controlled by Communists and Socialists from the extreme left. Then you have the Liberal Republicans who remain majority Liberal, emphasize their rightwing views more strongly and truly are RINOs because the only reason most are Republican is they are far more persecuted in the Democratic Party by the extreme left. The real world? If you are a leftwing Democrat and you think the leftwing Democrats live in the real world... wake up because Peter Pan and Dorothy dont live in the real world anymore and neither do you!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 09:29:58 +0000

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