Something Ive come to learn in life is as follows *the solution is - TopicsExpress


Something Ive come to learn in life is as follows *the solution is within each of us. I can only master my own understanding. The more I draw attention to the failings of almost anything, the more I may be accused of promoting it by some *unless its Christianity, the tea party,congressional approval, or Koch bros (comic relief.) If I prove beyond a shadow of doubt that politics are the very thing keeping us divided or in disunity with each other, assuredly someone may accuse me of promoting politics. If I teach you that all great masters and science agree that duality is an illusion than assuredly some will say Im promoting duality. The Truth is that we all have a purpose and a place in this world and we dont all achieve our purpose in the exact same cookie cutter way. Today, I heard a wonderful message by my friend Paul at Unity Fort Worth. Although I believe the teachings of Christ he based his message on have both physical and spiritual applications for us, focusing on the Spiritual aspects will assuredly take care of any physical shortcomings. Seek first the Kingdom (Spirit) and all these things (physical needs) will be taken care of. He mentioned paying every last penny as Christ mentioned in the sermon on the mount. We should make peace with those who are our enemies less we be made to pay every last penny we owe. Paying every last penny is to give it all away.... leaving nothing on the table... Being fully free... similar to what Christ told the rich young ruler who thought himself beyond reproach. Likewise, if you are to get the deed to something you are in debt to, do you get the deed before being paid up (in full?) My favorite childhood story is a book called The Diggingest Dog. The poor dog grew up chained in a pet store and couldnt dig on that cold stone floor. Whenever he was paid for and had a home all the other dogs made fun of him because he couldnt dig and even his master was a little disappointed after trying to model it and teach it to no avail. One day though when he chose he did learn to dig and he dug so much he dug himself a hole he couldnt get out of. He was drowning in that hole but the other dogs instead of pitying him chained together and pulled him out with teamwork. Once fully free and now being capable of digging, he went back and repaired all the damage he had done from digging too much. Can you dig it? We all dig ourselves into holes at times, we all need love and understanding, we all need a helping hand, ultimately though it is up to us to repair our condition. If we are out of balance it is up to us to restore the order. We do have help though as when we step the step appears. Find your mission /purpose and be sure of it and step into it. You dont have to spin round and round in circles like a nowhere man. Amen Thanks Paul John Roach for your inspiration ✌This is the song your message inspired today. Inspiring music too today.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:23:59 +0000

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