Something New.... I watched the Seattle vs Washington game - TopicsExpress


Something New.... I watched the Seattle vs Washington game tonite and i come to the conclusion that The Dallas Cowboys can beat Seattle and it would definitely have to be a perfect game to do so. Defensively Dallas has to stop Marshawn Lynch (beast Mode) first and foremost. Seattle offense consist of alot of Spread option formations and screens. U cannot just hit them, u have to wrap them up and tackle and be very physical. They do not go down field alot. When they do, the line tends to break down forcing Russell Wilson to scramble. Dallas can blitz alot to get them off rhythm but again they cannot miss tackles. Percy Harvin is gonna be a headache (No pun intended). Watch for him to be in the backfield at times and when he is, he always gets the ball. They can catch us on play action pass plays out of that spread option formation. Dallas will need to figure out who is fast enough to keep up with Harvin. Offensively if Dallas continue to run the ball with Murray who cannot fumble this week and trust they are coming after him like a pack of dogs knowing he has fumble-itis, Dallas may have a chance. Seattles Defense is very physical. Earl Thomas III comes in hard as well as others when they hit u. We know they will be on Dez like white on rice. T. Williams will not get many chances against this team. Best option is Witten and Cole Beasley, who can have a big game cause they wont expect it. Seattle can be had on Wheel routes but Romo better know real quick where to go with the ball cause those boys are fast. Dallas essentially has a two day head start on Seattle being they played tonite and have to travel back across country to get home. No rest really for them and Garrett and the coaching staff better take full advantage of it. Everyone in the media is already saying Dallas will be 4-2 after Sunday Afternoon. They can prove them wrong but if no other week, This is one where they will have to be 100% disciplined and focused. This is Eric B for SumthynnSpecial Sports..
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 05:47:14 +0000

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