Something To Be Thankful For, Day # 242: learning from Christ at - TopicsExpress


Something To Be Thankful For, Day # 242: learning from Christ at an early age. Instead of going out for my b-day dinner last night, I asked Mariene to cook instead (which is worthy of an FB post in it of itself)- I would not trade any food in any restaurant for her Iron Chef-like cooking. While enjoying the meal as a family, our little Maia surprised me by saying, Dad, my birthday gift to you is this: I will give $15 of my money to the poor. I hurriedly stuffed food in my mouth to prevent me from crying. We do not give our kids allowances. We have them earn it through chores, good grades, achievements, etc. (all voluntary, nothing forced). Swim season doesnt start until September, so Maias income right now is very limited. Like any other pre-teen, she has her list of things to buy. So for an 11-year old to give her hard-to-come-by and hard-earned money to those who need it more is enough to make a grown man tear up and silently say Thanks be to God! Thank You, Lord, for little children who learn Your virtues early in life, which for sure will help them and others when they grow up. Luke 18:17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:55:41 +0000

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