Something alot of people including my family dont know about me is - TopicsExpress


Something alot of people including my family dont know about me is 3years ago I was at the lowest point in my life- I had tried to commit suicide 6times in 3 months.. I was going through a severe depression to the point I lost almost 30lbs because I wasnt eating. Thing was I had hit such a low point in my life that I had chose to change my life for the better- I removed the people from my life whom I was having issues with, I pushed myself to work more hours and I eventually bought a new vehicle. That vehicle ended up changing my life to the point where I have people who id call friends now, People who if and when I get to that point are there to pick me back up. Its been 3 years since the worst part of my life and I have zero regrets. I believe everything we do is done with the intention of it working whether that be suicide or something else. Often times people strive for the negative reactions of people because attention is attention- often negative attention is better then no attention- You gotta strive to not only see the good in people but to see the good in yourself, I believe that if you cant see the good in your life try to be the good in someone elses. Sometimes that may be just making someone laugh.. other times that may be racing down the road at 3am doing double the speed limit to pick up your crying, drunk best friend because some guy tried to assault her. Sometimes it being the person people come to with their problems.. I strive to help people whether it be going to knock out some guy who called my friend a hooker or calling in a known drughouse because I know it will hurt someone who hurt me or someone I know. I am a single 21 year old male who will do anything to make sure the people I love are protected. I surround myself with people who share similar views so I know that in the time of need my skinny ass is protected.. I love my life now- Because Ive made other people or helped someone see the good in their lives. I dont think little of myself I just think of other people before I do myself.. I do believe you value life abit more once youve tried to take it away from yourself. More of a rant then a confession.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:50:00 +0000

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