Something for vegans to consider: We all LOVE to demonize - TopicsExpress


Something for vegans to consider: We all LOVE to demonize factory farm workers. We all love to call them a plethora of hateful things. We all love wishing the most painful deaths upon them. To us, they are the scum of the earth and the world would be a better place if they were all violently killed. We love doing all these things without considering their plight. Without considering the fact a large number of them are illegal immigrants that were transported to this country to work in awful conditions for lower than minimum pay wages. We love doing all these things without considering all of these workers are lower class people with little to no work options to feed themselves, their families. We all love doing these things without considering many of these workers are a product of their violent upbringing and arent evil people that genuinely and knowingly love inflicting pain on animals. We all love doing these things without considering they are people that were socially conditioned to see animals as property, as we all were before going vegan. We all love doing these things without considering the fact that many of these workers have seen so much slaughter and cruelty that many have developed mental illnesses and suffer from PTSD. On the flip side. The people we all love, the ones we see during the Holidays, our husbands and wives, sons and daughters, friends and families, these people that fuel the demand for those workers to work those awful jobs, we love dearly and treat them as if theyre innocent of all animal cruelty.The people that make the occasional bacon jokes, the ones that mock your compassionate choices, the ones who pay for animals to be tortured, brutalized and killed, those people you would never wish harm upon, let alone call them out for their specieism. So what does this all mean? Are these vegans hypocrites or just keyboard warriors without the courage to call out speciesism when confronted with it? If you want to stop this cruelty, if you want to shift this paradigm, start by calling speciesism out in your everyday lives. Yes, even if it means cutting ties with people you love. You dont get to chastise a worker but treat your fellow family members well for doing the exact same thing, (yes, killing animals and paying to have animals killed are the same thing. If anything, paying to have them killed is worse.) Im pleading with vegans to call an end to this of factory farm workers. I understand, I hate seeing animals being killed. But though they may look like evil beings for what they do, they, like the animals we like advocating for, are victims of an oppressive system that has socially conditioned them to do what they do in order to survive. If you want to end speciesism, start by calling out everywhere you go. Thats how you defeat a hateful oppressive system, by taking action. #onestruggleonefight #humanfreedomanimalrights #untileveryanimalisfree #directactioneverywhere #disruptspeciesism
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 18:51:27 +0000

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