Something happened recently that made me of an incident that - TopicsExpress


Something happened recently that made me of an incident that happened when I was 17. I made fun of someone. It wasnt because I actually disliked her, or because she had done ANYthing wrong. It was on the spur of the moment, simply because I wanted to impress the person who was with me. It flashed through my brain in a split second, and I said it out loud. I wanted to seem cool. Well, not only did the expression on my friends face (he never said a word) let me know that what Id said wasnt cool, I found out the next day that the person Id made fun of had overheard me. I was so ashamed. Ive never forgiven myself for it. Blaming youth and stupidity is no consolation. I actually apologized to her a few years ago. She couldnt even remember it. There was no absolution, only feeling like a fool for mentioning it. I guess my point is this. There are all types of people (and families) in this world. No two are alike. But the moment we try to receive pleasure at the expense of another human being, it really does say more about our own character than it does theirs. And Im thankful to my friend for helping me to learn a very valuable lesson that day. Its been valuable to me in the days- and years- since, and I hope its one I never forget.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:40:38 +0000

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