Something has happened in your life that is shaping everything you - TopicsExpress


Something has happened in your life that is shaping everything you are and do. If that is not true in your life then it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s inevitable that at some point in this journey we call life there will be a life changing event. It may be your marriage, or the birth of your first child. Perhaps it will be overcoming some great trial, like a serious illness or life-threatening addiction. For many it is the loss of a loved one, through death or separation. Often it is the experience that brings you to a faith in God, or that something bigger than all of us. You may be thinking, Well, that’s true, but actually I’ve had more than one such life changing event. Great! Not, great in the sense of celebration if any of these events were painful and traumatic, but great in the broader appreciation that such events have for stretching us and helping us to experience the fullness of life. You see, we experience that fullness even through loss. One of the valuable reasons for preserving your life story is because in the process you will confront these life changing experiences. You will discover how they affect your beliefs, your actions and the way you view life. Sometimes returning to these memories helps you grow. This can be especially beneficial if any of the events in your past are holding you back from truly living life to the fullest. Not only do you owe yourself the benefit of knowing what has most impacted your life. You really have an obligation to share that with others. We are not meant to live in isolation. Each of us has something to contribute to others. You may never make world history, be famous or rich or any of the other things the world often tells us are important. However, if your children, your parents, your spouse, siblings, relatives, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers are deprived of any beneficial lessons from your time on the planet then it is a loss for all of
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 18:07:35 +0000

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