Something is goIng to HAVE to change with the present climate of - TopicsExpress


Something is goIng to HAVE to change with the present climate of my home town! We are losing our youth left and right...entire families are being ripped to shreds by grief...this is horrible! Yesterday, as I had to once again send off copies of my parents death certificates to handle some business, something occurred to me. Even though I grieve for them daily, some days are better than others, its still a fate I knew would eventually come to pass. Although sooner than I expected, I KNEW that we would have to lay them to rest. This is the natural order of things. Grieving the loss of a child, however, is so much harder to cope with. It goes AGAINST the norm! Yet, when its due to sickness or accident we still have to accept the tragedy is part of a greater plan beyond our comprehension. BUT TO WITNESS OPEN SEASON ON OUR YOUTH?!?! I REFUSE to accept this!!! Im mad as hell seeing whats going on! I dont give a damn HOW pissed off you are NOTHING gives you the right to take away something as precious as life! HOW DARE YOU RIP THESE FAMILIES APART? After your lil selfish asses take the lives of your victims away their family, friends, loved ones are left clutching one of these with bleeding hearts!!! SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:58:27 +0000

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