Something is very wrong with our country. You can feel it, it’s - TopicsExpress


Something is very wrong with our country. You can feel it, it’s a under current that you can’t see but you can feel it pulling us away from what once was. The ugly truth is our country is broke and we are broken. It happened slowly but in a flash it took us to the very breaking point. It used to be that Democrats and Republicans could have a friendly debate and still remain friends. Those days are long gone and kind feelings are replaced with name calling, distrust and in many cases hatred. As our crisis deepens and the conditions get worse both sides are more focused on blaming the other party for all the country’s woes. Citizens who side with either party are finding that family, friends, neighbors and work associates they use converse with have greatly distance themselves because they view the views of others as irresponsible or even stupid. Our political leaders voted us all into debt and literally made us slaves to that debt. They then use the debt to divide us as citizens pitting groups against one another. There are those who greatly profit from the hyping of the race divided, others who profit from class warfare and others who profit from the tax divide. There is a whole set of business and people who simply profit from every kind of divide that can be hyped. The United States is no longer united; it is really the Divided States of America. Some States now want the Feds to bail them out by taking from other States who lived within their means. Other States are madder than a hornets nest at the Feds for usurping the powers of the State. I am an insanely loyal American who finds that I am in a country whose leaders are no longer loyal or accountable to the people its serve. They are not loyal to me they are loyal to themselves and their friends. I find them to be self serving elitists who pass laws for others that they would never implement for themselves. The so called Affordable Health Care mandate is just one example where the leaders who voted in gave themselves a pass from having to use it, the Unions who supported it for others demanded that they didn’t have to implement and the IRS who is to enforce it doesn’t want to enforce it for their own staff. We have more poverty, more people on welfare, more people who gave up looking for jobs more people looking for jobs and not enough jobs than ever before. We have more people here illegally, more government waste, more government fraud and more government abuse than ever before. This is what happens when you divide people into warring factions. We need cheap energy that we have right here on our lands but we can’t tap into it because of some crazy government regulations created by law makers who don’t have the common sense of an 8 year old. We do it to save the planet, yet we are perfectly ok with drilling in the Middle East who hates us and transferring our nation’s wealth to OPEC who implements pricing fixing there which is highly illegal here! So let me get this right… We can’t drill here because it will destroy the planet but we can drill there which is the same planet? And we give trillions to nations who hate us who then use our money to wage war with us? We are so divided over the obvious that we are willing to wage wars we hate, give money to those who hate us and pay energy costs that are three times higher and why you may ask? Because we are truly stupid, because we are foolish and because we are divided because we trust and even admire those who lead us who are clearly unworthy of our trust or admiration. Our leaders today are not law makers rather they are blame makers. They speak with great confidence with eloquent words about issues that based on the results they clearly have no idea what they are talking about. Yet they smile at the camera and wave to the world acting like they saved us from a disaster of their very own creations. How is it that public servants become so wealthy? It’s because they stack the deck for those who will give them their vote which stacks the deck for them. They retain power because they give what they don’t have to others who want more. They have the inside track on just about everything that gives them an advantage in just about every aspect of their lives. We are a nation of fools who can’t institute something as basic as term limits for all of our public servants. They should be like a jury you see them once and poof you don’t see them again. I true public servant would never make a career out of being a politician. I honestly believe a typical class of third graders has more common sense and could get more done and will do it right than those that have all lead us down a path of the great people divide. The reason they could do a better job is they don’t seek power nor are the corrupted by the thought of power. Once your brain lust for power there isn’t enough room left for common sense… Just saying!
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 20:32:45 +0000

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