Something just told me to repost this today… so here - TopicsExpress


Something just told me to repost this today… so here goes… Bonnie, I took your advice 2 years ago and I am now living a new life and I am VERY happy! Please share my original letter and your response so that some other victims can read it and hopefully LEAVE! “Bonnie, I tried to break up with my live-in boyfriend a few days ago, and after yelling at me and throwing the things I was trying to pack, he pushed and shoved me, screaming in my face. He physically barricaded the front door with his body (after bolting and locking it). He broke down crying and told me that he won’t let me leave and threatened self harm. He has openly told me that he attempted suicide multiple times in the past. I stayed because I am genuinely concerned for his safety but every instinct inside of me is screaming to get out of this. I love and care for him deeply, but I am well aware our relationship is toxic. I know I can’t control what he does to himself, but I just would like to know how you’d navigate this situation.” “Honey, pack up all your stuff and get the heck out. Do it as quickly as possible, preferably when he’s not around. The relationship is already over. You didn’t “try” to break up with him. You did break up with him. Now he’s just using emotional blackmail to hold you hostage. Quit worrying about his safety. He’s not going to kill himself. Even if he did hurt himself (which he won’t) it’s not your fault. He’s just saying stupid stuff like that to manipulate you, which is all the more reason for you to run for the hills and never speak to this idiot again. Set whatever feelings you have for him aside and simply leave. You don’t owe him an explanation or any further communication, and you are not responsible for his behavior. Gather your courage and strength and just GO before things get crazier!”
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:25:46 +0000

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