Something may be rotten in the state of Tibet. Ever suspicious of - TopicsExpress


Something may be rotten in the state of Tibet. Ever suspicious of the Dalai Lamas status as being the universal holy friend of seemingly all political and religious leaders of the world, I decided to learn more information about this character and the institution he represents. Something about the man seemed fake and deceptive to me, as if he had been fooling the world with his perma-smile all along. Check out The Darkness Over Tibet, an excellent, brief summary on this subject. Example: - The Dalai Lama is only a marketing program to make Tibet look good. He and his 100 servitors could never have exiled Tibet without the agreement from the Chinese government. The Chinese government and Lamaist (Tibetan Buddhist) organization are closely linked on an occult level. The true spiritual leader of Lamaism is the Panchen Lama, who is almost unknown at all outside of Tibet. Hes considered as the black pope (the catholic pope is the white pope). - The Catholic Church and Lamaism are closely linked. Jesuits have been traveling to Tibet and helped to setup the hierarchical lamaist organization (the first Dalai Lama was named in the 14th century), which in turn offered help to the Vatican (this confirms many theories according to which all the major world religions are secretly linked at the very top). Many spiritual leaders in Tibet are in fact Jesuits. Both hierarchies are arranged scientifically to optimize the function of black magic rituals. - He mentions Maitreya, who is supposed to be the upcoming reincarnation of Buddha, but which will be used by those in power as a false messiah to save the world, from problems which are mostly illusory because created by those in power. Source: My searches led me to the online tome The Shadow of the Dalai Lama by Victor and Victoria Trimondi. Here, my suspicions of the Dalai Lama were confirmed when I read that his Holiness was a friend of and worked with the guru Shoko Asahara of the AUM sect of Japan, responsible for the Tokyo sarin gas attack on March 20, 1995. Asahara apparently was very much connected to the Tibetan religion and met with many high Tantra masters. This is just one of a myriad of examples pointing to something seriously wrong with this institution, especially strong ties to the Nazi party (The swastika is heavily used in Tibetan Buddhism). Source: I found a few good articles discussing the feudal, hellish society that existed under the greedy Lamas who ruled with an iron fist and treated the masses like animals. When the Dalai Lamas Ruled - Hell On Earth and The True Face Of The Dalai Lama provide a decent summary on the feudal Lamaist theocracy of Tibet. When the Dalai Lamas Ruled: Hell on Earth. The True Face Of The Dalai Lama ascertainthetruth/att/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=717:the-true-face-of-the-dalai-lama&catid=61:where-religions-differ&Itemid=103 Today, the media focuses on the crimes of Islamic fanatics, but when is the last time you heard about fanatic Buddhist monks inciting violence? Is Buddhism a sacred cow for some reason? For a brief summary on this, read The Long and Strange History of Buddhist Violence. Read: modernnotion/buddhist-violence-history/ War and violence is discussed as the means to cleanse the world of undesirables in the Lamas very own sacred doctrine, the Kalachakra Tantra. Read about the Aggressive War Myth here: If youve seen Twin Peaks, you may remember the strange references to Tibet. In one episode, Windom Earle uses the Tibetan word Dugpa: ... these evil sorcerers, dugpas, they call them, cultivate evil for the sake of evil and nothing else. They express themselves in darkness for darkness, without leavening motive. This ardent purity has allowed them to access a secret place of great power, where the cultivation of evil proceeds in exponential fashion. And with it, the furtherance of evils resulting power. These are not fairy tales, or myths. This place of power is tangible, and as such, can be found, entered, and perhaps, utilized in some fashion. The dugpas have many names for it, but chief among them is the Black Lodge. Did David Lynch place occult secrets in plain sight in Twin Peaks? Was this Revelation of the Method? There is also a strong connection between Theosophy (Blavastky, et al) and Tibetan Buddhism. Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater wrote about an occult Buddhist hierarchy of the world and the Great White Brotherhood is an important aspect of Theosophical teachings. The Occult Hierarchy and the Masters discusses this in detail. Read: According to The Shadow of the Dalai Lama, German authors have written of an occult hierarchia ordinis of the Lamaist theocracy, which invisibly influences and steers the East. J. Strunks arguments (Zu Juda und Rom --Tibet, [To Juda and Rome --Tibet], 1937) are more far reaching; he tries to uncover a conspiracy of an international ecclesiastical elite (with members from all the world religions) with the living Buddha, the Dalai Lama from Lhasa as their visible head. What there are of organizations and new spiritual currents running alongside and in all directions nearly always end up on the roof of the world, in a Lama temple, once one has progressed through Jewish and Christian lodges(Strunk, 1937, p. 28). General Ludendorff and his wife likewise took to the field with great vigor against the Asian priestsand warned that the Tibetan Lamas had emplaced themselves at the head of Jewish and Jesuit secret orders (Europa den Asiatenpriestern?[Europe of the Asian priests)], 1941). I see a lot of problems with Tibetan Buddhism and think more scrutiny is warranted. I see a lot of deception and attempts to conceal the truth. I believe Tibet to be a stronghold of both spiritual and temporal power, connected with the highest secret orders and globalist councils in the world. Their common goal is world domination through a saviour king to bring this about. The effort to gradually sell this agenda to the world is most seen in the carefully engineered public adulation of the Dalai Lama, which has me wondering if a planned World King will actually be a Lama. The idea of a Lamaist theocracy being the ultimate rulers of the world will sound far-fetched to many, but I believe there is a good reason why it can only be found in old and untranslated German books.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 05:18:58 +0000

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