Something that I had predicted about 2-3 weeks ago about upcoming - TopicsExpress


Something that I had predicted about 2-3 weeks ago about upcoming UMNO election turns into reality again. Those anti Tun M candidate trying to paint them as Tun M Proxy and all types of allegations and thinking by doing that those candidate will lose their support ? Is a wrong strategic campaign when you do not understand and study the UMNO internal sentiments well . U r actually giving more strength to your opponent. The more u talk about their relation with Tun M the more chances you are helping them to win. I got nothing against KJ or Najib. I love both of you and will always support both of you. But your internal strategist dalam bahasa rojak we say tak boleh pakai. I know there a campaign that u guys launches who is trying to bezakan antara orang Najib dan Tun M secara tidak langsung dan tersirat. But u have forgotten the facts what is the real sentiments among UMNO members. U have underestimated the aura , influence and charisma is still having inside the party. He dont even need to contest. Those setakat his vibe will do. Tak percaya ? lepas ini we see how many people that u all paint them as Tun M people will end up winning. U must first differentiate the public sentiment and UMNO internal sentiments. General election and internal election is entirely 2 different types of battle. Merdeka Center latest research shown that Dr Mahathir scored 79% satisfaction level among respondents of the poll, which was conducted by telephone last month. In contrast, Najib hit 69%, Muhyiddin 54% and Zahid 58%..
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 06:50:50 +0000

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