Something that REALLY PISSES ME OFF.....and I really need to - TopicsExpress


Something that REALLY PISSES ME OFF.....and I really need to stress the importance of this. People who drive with thier headlights OFF in rain, fog, snowfall, in the drk and during twilight hours (the period of when he sun is below the horizon and it is still light enough to see). While it is a law in most sttes that requires headlights be on when it is raining....Many still drive with them off...even with wipers going full throttle.....but there is no law requiring them in the other instances I listed. Now if you are driving without your seatbelt.....Heaven help you...because I am sure an officer will nab you. Ridiculous law. Who are you hurting by refusing to wear your seatbelt??? YOURSELF.....ot really a threat to anyody else. BUT...the guy driving without headlights in questionable visual conditions......That guy is a menace and a threat to anybody who gets in his way. I wish there was a federal law passed to penalize people for volating all of these instances....Minimum fine...$100.00 Maybe a few of these will get the point across to the morons who refuse to drive safely and courteously. Another way of looking at this.....Two vehicles are driving in questionable visible conditons.. Vehicle one has the moron, driving withought headlights...and vehicle two has a couple coming home from a dinner engagement...with headlights on....A headon collison results....because vehicle two couldnt see vehicle one pull out in front of them....All concerned are pronounced dead on the scene. In Gods eyes.....who do YOU think he will find at fault???? Most likely, the moron in vehicle he killed the others, as surely as if he shot them with a gun. Negligence is still no this is murder. THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:01:13 +0000

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