Something that will never get old, are the signs and the moments - TopicsExpress


Something that will never get old, are the signs and the moments and memories that come flashing back when these signs cross my path. No matter what your day brings, theres always something good in each day, but some days my heart is a little heavy and sometimes I have a million things going on in my mind, most people probably cant even tell if Im having an off day/moment (they are very few and far between) I always try to chose happiness and positive energy over any other emotion, but no matter what some very special angels, they always know when you need a smile. As I left a movie tonight, I sat in my car starring at the super bright moon, remembering a sweet girl named Brielle, I never got the opportunity to meet, I just know we would have hit it off. It has been 1yr. today since she passed away. She led me to my Children&The Earth Family, and to many other extremely amazing children who are&will always be my superheroes, their parents whom some have ended up being some of my dearest friends. Sometimes this path I am on, well...I would be lying if I didnt say it can get hard, can I chose to walk away and turn my head because that would be easier, sure I could, but at the end of the day do these children&their families get that option, no. So, we fight, together and even when it hurts like hell and you know the outcome in some cases, and its ripping you apart inside because you cant make it better for these children or their families, and some days you dont even know what to say to grieving/hurting parent or how to even feel yourself, you have to keep going. All I can truly hope for is that these families know everything I do is from my heart and our friendships mean the world to me. Its took a long time to learn friendship is a 2-way street and to meet people going through such hard battles, but they still make the effort in your friendship to reach out to you, its a priceless gift to have such individuals want you in their lives as much as you want them in yours. I am surrounded by some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for in every aspect of my life. I believe we cross paths for a reason, whether it be for a brief moment or if you end up stuck with me for a lifetime;) either way.....after my crazy emotions for the evening, the point of this whole spill, is the little lady bug patiently waiting on my front door when I got home tonight was my smile&reminder, just breathe and keep doing what your doing. Thank you angel babies. #nevergiveup
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:54:51 +0000

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