Something to Ponder From Neolithic Shamanism: "Shamanism is also - TopicsExpress


Something to Ponder From Neolithic Shamanism: "Shamanism is also distinct from mysticism in that it is goal oriented and work focused. Basically, being a shaman is a job. The primary duty of a shaman is to maintain balanced relationships between the community and the entities (Gods or spirits) involved, and between individuals and their Holy Powers. Everything else flows from that. The shaman is the servant of the holy, a mediator and diplomat. In this day and age, with so many of our indigenous ways destroyed, lost, or forgotten, the shaman is tasked with helping to reconstruct, renew, and restore not only our own tradition, but the ancient contract of respect, reciprocity, and honor that existed between our ancestors, their spirits, and their Gods. That is no small or easy thing. Mystics may share many of the same techniques, especially the altered-state techniques, but their focus is on pure experience. If you ask them “What good is this? What’s it useful for?” they will probably just smile and tell you that it has its own goodness, which you have to experience to understand. For mystics, it’s between them and the Universe. For shamans and shamanic practitioners in this tradition, the question “What’s it useful for?” is all-important. As servants of a tribe, rather than as sole questers for oneness with the All, shamans have to stop short of entirely merging with the Divine Web and instead find ways to utilize these experiences for the betterment of their people."
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 11:02:12 +0000

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