Something to Think About: What if the real goal of the - TopicsExpress


Something to Think About: What if the real goal of the Terrorists isnt to kill American soldiers, but to keep engaging our military for the next few decades until we are completely bankrupt? Thinking that the leaders of Terrorist organizations and cells are just as stupid as the tribesmen and villagers and soldiers who do their bidding is a poor mistake. Every major terrorist attack on US soil has included a shot at our economic center, with the intent of destroying our economy. Intelligent enemies understand that the real key to destroying our ability to defend ourselves lies in destroying the US economy and drying up the funds that create the war machine that we use to protect our shores. After 9/11 terrorists realized that simply destroying our buildings wasnt an effective strategy. After the economic slide of 2007/2008 they shifted their approach. As we were busy spending Trillions of dollars waging war against poverty stricken countries, our economy started fading, our middle class started to decline and poverty rates increased dramatically. Then as we pulled out of these conflicts, our economy rebounded, at least rebounded for the wealthy stock investors. The middle and working classes are still struggling to survive. Intelligent terrorists would have noted that keeping Americas expensive military engaged in protracted wars had the exact effect they were attempting to achieve when they carried out the physical attacks on the WTC. So an effective terrorist strategy today would be to goad the United States into another protracted war against incredibly difficult enemies who could melt into the populous, and then reappear with a suicide attack hear and there and a beheading now and then to keep the American Citizenry fired up and keep them spending american future assets on the defense industry. Its a fool proof plan, get the US to spend $600,000- $1.2Million on missiles and bombs to kill humans that cost next to nothing to replace. The last decade taught anti American forces all over the world that the key to destroying Americas power is by using the most powerful and expensive defense force in the world to eat up the biggest economy in the world. If we dont think about what we are falling for, we will lose this battle.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:35:28 +0000

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