Something to consider: Come this Tuesday Nov the 4th our work - TopicsExpress


Something to consider: Come this Tuesday Nov the 4th our work is not done rather it is just beginning. We must prove that our ideas and plans for this country reaches and uplifts everyone in this country not just those that currently agree with us. True we cant help those that really dont want to be helped but we must become a real life beacon to those that wish to improve their lives. We must move out of our comfort zone and thus force others out of theirs to find our real comfort zone together. All people are valued, but not all people can be American it is just not possible, however there is nothing stopping them from becoming just like us if they chose. Everyone in this country needs the dignity of a job, even the mentally challenged working as grocery baggers have pride in their accomplishments and we in them. No more excuses for laziness and its time to stop the generational subsistence lifestyle. unless you have a mental/medical condition you receive no government tax based support. This by the way has no effect on churches/civic groups from reaching out to help anyone they wish for any reason they wish does it? Term limits for every job including the supreme court. No more lifetime appointments, we have no kings or monarchs here! School districts must be reined in and tenure needs to be dissolved in every institution. Merit and performance should be the only measure of continued employment. End all foreign aid to every country except for humanitarian concerns. Enabling backward 3rd world countries to remain backward is not in their best interest, and rewarding tyrants is not in ours. And finally return to teaching/encouraging/rewarding kindness. Stop the drama, stop the anger, stop the hatred. And finally remove the money from politics, term limits will go a long way in this effort however just where is the most of this money spent? the MEDIA reform this madness, Limit the amount of time a person may campaign, the amount of airtime they can use. face to face unlimited, if people choose to show up to see/hear them great, but not on the radio/tv with stupid hate filled ads. Take the power back from the powerbrokers and return it to the people, we do this only one way, the money! Thoughts?
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:45:40 +0000

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