Something to consider with the dating of the bible and why events - TopicsExpress


Something to consider with the dating of the bible and why events are not found in history only if lined up by discriptions rather than dates even tho they will use dates for there primary marker even tho the numbers are flawed .....exodus is in history Gerald E. Aardsma, Ph.D., has proposed that this apparent disharmony results from a problem in traditional biblical chronology. Traditional biblical chronologies are constructed by assembling the various chronological data given in the Bible itself. Interpretive issues have given rise to relatively minor variations in traditional biblical chronologies, depending on the scholar. The traditional chronology displayed in the time chart at left is typical. The key biblical chronological link used to determine the date of the Exodus is a number in 1 Kings 6:1. This verse reads, And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomons reign over Israel.... Solomons reign is usually calculated to have begun around 970 B.C., thus placing the Exodus around 1450 B.C. As stated above, the archaeology of Egypt and Canaan at this time is incompatible with the biblical record. In addition, the Bible lists consecutive events between the Exodus and Solomons reign which total at least 600 years. In 1990, Dr. Aardsma proposed a major adjustment to traditional biblical chronology. He proposed that the 480 of 1 Kings 6:1 was originally 1,480 but the Hebrew letters corresponding to the one thousand were lost at an early stage of copying. This proposal is applied in the second time chart at left. The new biblical date for the Exodus becomes ca. 2450 B.C., and prior biblical events are similarly shifted to earlier times, by exactly 1000 years relative to traditional biblical chronology. This change is radical, and at first unimaginable. However, as one begins to examine the archaeology at the new dates, the harmony between biblical and secular accounts is overwhelming. Egypt is struck by national disaster, effectively causing the collapse of the Old Kingdom at the end of the sixth dynasty. The trail of the Israelites in the desert at the time of the Exodus, and remains of their encampment dating to exactly this time period have been found. Both Jericho and Ai were destroyed ca. 2400 B.C., with destruction layers accurately fitting the biblical descriptions. The evidence that Dr. Aardsmas proposal is correct has become overwhelming and continues to mount. This discovery and the ensuing research have resolved the conflicts between biblical and secular histories prior to the United Kingdom period. Dr. Aardsmas research has also led to many exciting discoveries surrounding early biblical events such as Noahs Flood. Conservative, Bible-believing scholarship today has an answer for those who claim that the Old Testament stories are mere fabrications. This discovery is of extreme significance to anyone who believes the Bible or studies biblical archaeology.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:23:50 +0000

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