Something to think about... The quickest way to lose a conflict - TopicsExpress


Something to think about... The quickest way to lose a conflict is to under estimate the power and effectiveness of the enemy. As Christians we all know who our enemy is, but we still allow him to have influence in our lives. Satan is the ruler of this world. Thankfully we as Christians are IN the world, but not OF it. We are positioned under the authority of God through Jesus Christ. However the Bible says for us to choose THIS day who we will serve. I think it could also be said to choose EACH day who we will serve. If we choose not to serve God, we place ourselves under the authority of ruler of this world by default. There is no safe middle ground. Satan is real. He is the prince of this world. He is an angel with angelic power. His mission is to destroy Christians and when he cannot do that, he will try to destroy, or at least dilute, their effectiveness. This morning as I thought about this, it reminded me of the schemes of the enemy when I was in the military in Vietnam. The NVA and VC much preferred to maim us rather than kill us, because it took more personnel, more resources, and more time to recover and care for the seriously wounded than it did for the ones killed in action. I believe through poor choices we make ourselves vulnerable to being maimed as Christians, losing our effectiveness and often pulling others down in the process, and many times occupying the time and talent of those around us who are trying to help us get back where we need to be. So this morning I was thinking how subtle our present day enemy is. He takes what we give him. It may be that we settle for less, and sometimes much less than God has planned for us by making the wrong choices. I think it in imperative to keep in mind that we can even make a choice that is a good one, but not the best one. I am going to focus on making choices that put me in position to have the very best God has for me. Why should I allow Satan to divert me to that which is “good” or even “better” when I am an heir to God’s very best!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 16:51:52 +0000

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