Something very profound happened to me on Friday I feel the need - TopicsExpress


Something very profound happened to me on Friday I feel the need to share! So often, in so many cultures I have Mamas tell me that regardless of parenting ways, they feel judged! There have been 3 boys over the last few months, that I have been so blessed to encounter & fall in love with! It is well known their father is disabled & a meth user...the Mother is a very heavy drinker which had resulted in 2 of the boys having multiple issues! Many timed, the boys present beyond filthy....I would be lying if I said at times I have not been angry at their parents!!! On Friday, I bumped into the smaller brother...I love him so dearly & we ran to each other for giant that very moment, his mother also walked towards me...she smiled & I could feel a strong gratitude she carried for the love I gave her son....I also could feel the love she had for him, regardless of severe neglect...In that moment, instead of anger, I felt love....I felt compassion to understand her also neglect of herself & possibly thru her own upbringing her inability to nuture fully....the weight of having a disabled husband....& I gained a window of understanding.....I felt compelled to hug her!!! Quite often we are so quick to judge without the compassion to attempt to understand! My soul walked away feeling so very blessed...thru the mutual love of a little 6 yr old, my heart has yet been opened further...Namaste xxoo
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:03:47 +0000

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