Sometime ago I wrote to John Pickering saying that I would no - TopicsExpress


Sometime ago I wrote to John Pickering saying that I would no longer be trying to get Mick I will put your stuff on the car park Warner and John Ive got a mate that will do that Gill to explain various inconsistencies in the way they manage the finances of Cotgrave Welfare. However, given the way that George Bennett was sacked by Mr. Mick I havent got a problem with that leave it with me bud Warner without the knowledge of any of the other Tustees except maybe Ive got a mate and the way the Playdays volunteers have been bullied I have decided to resurrect the various concerns that I raised in the 2010 Annual General Meeting, none of which have been resolved and none of my allegations have been either proved or disproved and neither has any satisfactory explanation been given. In particular I would like to ask why Darren Moulds seems to have free reign of office administration and financial transactions relating to welfare matters. I recall vividly at a meeting which was intended to resolve the number of contentious issues that I raised. This meeting was attended by welfare trustees along with Don Brookes from CISWO Mansfield Office and Mr. Kevin Kelly the CISWO solicitor from the National office. During discussions Mr. Kelly asked what Mr. Moulds status was within Cotgrave Welfare. Mr. Warner replied that Mr. Moulds had resigned. Mr. Kelly responded that he thought that was the best thing that could have happened. In spite of this remark by the senior CISWO solicitor Mr. Moulds is once again running the welfare office. The other night I saw him go behind the bar and open the till. On whose authority? What would happen if I or any other member walked behind the bar let alone opened the till? Over time I will continue to highlight various issues that I and the welfare membership should be concerned about. Watch this space! In my opinion the sacking of George Bennett who worked tirelessly and raised considerable funds for the club was simply because he refused to be bamboozled by constant lies being told in answers to questions that he and other trustees should be asking.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 20:24:15 +0000

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