Sometimes God puts people in your life to help heal you, help in - TopicsExpress


Sometimes God puts people in your life to help heal you, help in aiding with your success, being a friend or a confidant, or just simply putting them in your life to love you. Cherish that. Lifes to short to not want or accept love when its real and genuine and true. Dont treat those people harshly. Verbal abuse is just as bad a physical abuse. Bruises on the body can heal ( still doesnt make it right) but bruises on ones heart is much more detrimental. 9 times out of 10 the things we attack or criticize in other people are the same things that you yourself are dealing with inside. Hold a mirror up. Do you truly like the person you see? If you were to die today, did you treat those who loved you with kindness and love back? What if those people were to die today? Could you deal with that guilt ?,Theres power in your tongue, in your words to other people. You might not be cussing or yelling at them but words hurt. Words are something you cant take back. Out of all my exs , the good and the bad ones have tried to come back to me. (No. Im not boasting) making the point that even with my own flaws...(and yes I am flawed up thru and thru) they looked back and realized what they had, me, Someone to hold them, love them, protect them, want to see the best for them, sacrifice for them, push my own dreams to the side shortly to see their dream come true. I have NEVER given up on a person I cared about or loved. Until now. Love isnt supposed to hurt or make you cry. People constantly talk about their lonely or they wish Jesus would bring them their mate....but we ourselves can mess up a good thing by choosing to treat that other person unkindly or say hurtful stuff. You cant constantly treat someone badly and then expect them to stick around. Also toying with a persons heart and emotions is not whats up. Its wrong to get someones hopes high or lead someone on and then in an instant , turn cold. Thats not God like. And trust and believe me God sees it all. So Im going to say this and then Im out. If you have someone in YOUR corner, someone who cares and loves YOU for YOU. (Flaws and all) please hold onto them. Please cherish them. There ARE genuinely kindhearted loving people in this world. Dont block your blessing for love because your prideful or in denial that YOUR actions have consequences. And when you push people out of your life dont call THEM the quitter .
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:18:33 +0000

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