Sometimes I dont know whether I am gg or a meter maid. Violation - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I dont know whether I am gg or a meter maid. Violation one... He stirred a pot for a recipe for disaster. Police enforcement needed. Red flag 1. Violation two... Had no one to tell you that three months is enough time to forget all bad and move on...not call him. Month four, felt it is okay to chase a bad man. Tsk tsk tsk. Probably told yourself, he is in need of emotional bottle feeding. Better play mom. Violation three... Meet up and listen to all his charming lies and fall for them. Violation four.... You call him again demanding answers on what does it mean when a man doesnt call you for three days. He doesnt have insecurity issues and neither do you. You do have issues regarding what it means when a man is trying to close the garbage can on you after stuffing you in there and keep asking why. I am only into the first HALF of what you wrote in your original blog. oh boy. Wow, paragraph four, explaining to your man about how to be a man. Before you can date a man, you need to know you are dating a man and the FIRST MINUTE you feel the urge to turn into MOM and reprimand him like you are all that is the minute you need to get out some duct tape from a hardware store, firmly tape it to your mouth, hopefully it is marked shutup and run and then you come home and read this again as an affirmation. Any man I date is looking to see if I am naive and immature and a little girl who still believes a man should be treated like a little dumb boy. The minute you fall for that....especially with a player like you are going to turn the heat on high and play you for the uninformed girl you are. You need to imagine this guy you are dating whining to his guy friends that you actually said this, fell for that, thought this, did that. If you could actually be a fly on the wall and see how they laugh about how naive you would smarten up pretty fast. Never act like a sister or a mom to prove you are worthy of being a mans future wife and mother of his children...unless of want to raise children plus your man...which turns him off. You dont want to date a computer geek, most men do not want to date women that feel he is needing mommy reprimands. So how do you lock down the guy who has cheated. Lied. Ignores you. Practises violence. Dumped you. Takes no action. Irresponsible. Plays the blame game. Insults you. Shows you he hates you. Cant stand you. How do you warm his insecure heart and get him to see that you are the bomb and that you love him and you need to be with him and that you are going to make him the priority of the world and make everything perfect. Men like this, that dont care for one woman to begin with....will never care for a girl who cares and loves a man that doesnt care about that. You have to hone those skills and gives those skills to the right man. Not Mr. Impossible and he is attainable because I like him and all that hoopla. I wanna be the President of the United States too, but there is out there girl...and then there is really out there. Why dont you just jump in the ocean and start chasing sharks? You cant get over him because he is the puzzling wonder and creates excitement within your lifeless naive world. YOU have deemed him the one because he is like eating a chocolate cake and then youre told you can never eat chocolate cake again.....all of a are obsessed with going to a third world country to offer children cake. See where this is going or do I have to draw a picture? So how do I get over a rollercoaster relationship full of drama, suspense...popcorn... You do so by educating yourself and waking up to reality. You acknowledge you were dating a player, an amatuer con, a half truthing liar, someone who lead you on. You learn this for what it is...not a movie...and you deal with reality...not solving imaginary problems. You grow up real fast here and say okay, this guy was playing me, making me believe this was real and this is okay. Now I know I cant trust everyone and I have to watch a persons actions...not what they say every two seconds when they are reassuring me and getting me off their back. YES, all people have feelings, even lunatics. That doesnt mean you have to fall for it. Learn that any real man will never put you in a mommy role. Mr. Wrong will do that on purpose. I hope this helped. I hope this last bit helped the most...if you started dating an intellectual man and if you were nervous and suddenly couldnt zip up your boot and instead of him staying quiet and knowing you are nervous and to overlook it, instead, no, he jumped in and said..oh little girl....kiddo....let me help you with that... Would you seriously be attracted to such a maroon? If you had a man that stupid on your arm...would you even want to walk out the door with him? When you have done this to a guy and he keeps you on his salary...its just like you would do with your would say... So there he was....he was sooooo good looking and he took me for Japanese and then I was trying to put on my boots and this restaurant and he was watching me and I couldnt get the zipper up...I was nearly fainting and then he started treating me as if I had never put on a High Heel boot before and .... ladies...if you would have been there you would have laughed...I just ... Never ever fall for thinking someone else is stupid. Beware of men who love women who fall for that and act upon it. Throw this relationship in the garbage. His head is in gameplay mode. You are thinking this is real
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 18:07:56 +0000

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