Sometimes I think the lessons of compassion we teach our children - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I think the lessons of compassion we teach our children can be more valuable than that word problem in Math class. Today while we were out and about in a very busy part of town there was a homeless man walking on the scorching hot pavement with no shoes on. The kids and I went to a local store and purchased the man a pair of flip flops, the man at the register commented on how quick I was in and out and I replied we were buying a gentleman a pair of shoes who was walking around with out any. The man hesitates and questioned my decision, I explained that I didnt know the mans story nor did it matter, he didnt have shoes on his feet and there was no way I could see that and do nothing. The man preceded to give me 30% off to help contribute. Which I thought was very nice. Kyle said what if the man with no shoes was scamming or something I explained to him it didnt matter, because we saw someone without something that to us is just a necessity to daily life and to this man it was now a luxury. I told him it didnt matter what his reasons where for being out there, we didnt know his story and probably never would but that we were giving this man a pair of shoes because it was the right and compassionate thing to do. The man at the store had warned us to be very carful because sometimes homeless people will reach in the car and grab you, I was not at all worried of this, and informed the man I would never put my children in danger and would just crack the window and drop the shoes out. Mind you the man was sitting at a very busy gas station. As we pulled up I cracked he window and said to the man, we have gotten these for you and would like you to take them. The man looked at me in shock, he didnt reply but shook his head with a smile and I dropped the shoes on the ground, the man would not approach the car but maintained his position under a tree. I told him to please put them on so that his feet were protected from the heat. He smiled again and shook his head, as we drove off the man walked over and picked up the bag with the flip flops, placed them on his feet and placed the tags and bag in, the near by trash can. The lesson my children learned is think with compassion when you are un sure of ones story, dont be so quick to pass judgment. We are all going through something so approach each person in life with a caring open heart. I also explained to them that we changed the man at the stores heart, because at first he was hesitant and trying to almost talk me out of my choice but after explaining to him that it didnt matter to us the how and why we were doing what our hearts said to, he changed his thoughts and applied 30% off to help contribute. :)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 21:56:45 +0000

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