Sometimes I want to crawl into a dark hole and never come out. - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I want to crawl into a dark hole and never come out. People are terrible creatures. We are capable of becoming monsters. I don’t believe in evil but there are some people in this world who come pretty damn close. I can even see it in even the nicest person… there’s a hatred inside them that could come out at any moment. How do you know who to trust? Almost everyone I’ve ever really trusted has thrown it back in my face. I read some bullshit tumblr post the other day about heaven/god. Someone died and went to heaven. They saw the light and got to fist bump god… yay. At some point in the conversation the guy realized that everyone on earth is the same spirit. He is everyone who ever lived or ever will live. God keeps sending the same person back to earth to live a new life and to gain a new perspective. Every good deed he did, he did for himself. Every time he hurt someone, he hurt himself. I kept reading not because I took it literally but because I kinda liked the idea behind it. People are so self absorbed sometimes that they don’t ever try to see things from another person’s perspective. If you knew that was actually you, would you behave differently? Why? Almost everyone I know has displayed some kind of behavior that I find to be absolutely terrifying. Whether it be cheating, violence, verbal attacks, or manipulation... I see everyone doing it. Why is it so difficult to treat others kindly? You don’t know what their life is about. You don’t know what they’ve been dealing with that day. Even if they cut you off in line or if they give you a dirty look on the street. Smile back. Let it go.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:48:40 +0000

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