Sometimes, I wonder if I have gone crazy, turned into a total - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, I wonder if I have gone crazy, turned into a total whack-job... a box full of white pigeons forgotten in the desert. Either that, or the majority of people are losing their sense of logic pronto rapido these days. And I cant quite make out which case it is exactly... For the past week or so, I have been reading a lot of articles online, and theres one particular issue whose controversy seems to stand out and erode at my brains like acid. I just cannot understand the whole fuss when there is really a very simple solution - IF one side is as honest as it claims, that is. GMOs. I dont want to go into its nature. Or who is right, who is wrong. My question is....since there seems to be such a divided camp over it, why dont we resort to what humans have been known to be good at since time immemorial at times of crisis.... which is finding middle-grounds. The lesser of two-evils. You know, like when you have two kids, both wanting to play with the ONLY two toys available and so you go like Right, Peter you play with the truck, and Darrell you play with the ball? Yup. That kind of middle-grounds. How? Easy. Labels! Isnt that what people want? SOME people? The ONE camp of the people? You say GMOs are safe. You say that its all a hype, a lie, a yada yada propagated by people who just hate Monsato for no reason. Cool. Fine. I am just a conspiracy whack-job and, unlike others, I dont want to argue with you; I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Sure. DONT ban them. They are safe. But why not label them then? Wouldnt that be an easy-peezy solution then, as this way it becomes a prerogative to the consumer. Those (the people) who are pro-GMO can then buy it and those who are anti-GMO can then just avoid it? Win-win scenario, everyone goes home happy. So, again, why all this big fuss when the solution is really simple? Label them then. What do you lose then if it solves your headache and it makes everyone happy? Shouldnt that little question right there and then be the main focus of everyone...the little red flag to raise eyebrows? I am not even going into the government or the lies or the media. I am strictly talking people to people, vis-a-vis logic here. (Oh, BTW I am strictly anti-GMO. But I am trying to just understand the logic of those who come to its defense whenever this issue is brought up. Strange, really.)
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 02:22:00 +0000

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