Sometimes I wonder if the superego is really beneficial to - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I wonder if the superego is really beneficial to rationally thinking people. Why not strive to follow the id, if the superegos demands wont make you happy anyways? Even the egos current response isnt making anyone happy. Yet I cannot bring myself to act out the id, despite having no rational reason to follow the ego or superego. They say one bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, but that assumes that each birds value is independent of the number of other birds you have. Worse yet, I have one bird; the id drives for the two in the bush, but what is the point of it all if I dont even want birds? Why be driven to acquire something I dont want? What is the point of following the id OR the super ego? Perhaps that is why I dont succumb to the ids demands either. What rational decision can be made without the choices having significant, predictable, different outcomes? Typing this, I now wonder why in my first paragraph, I had made the assumption that the Id was the base state, so to speak. But is it the Ids desires that get filtered through the super ego, or the Super egos moral dictates that give available options, and then the Id that selects one? This has gotten rather long, considering I dont think these musings will help me. Oh well. Happy Thanks Giving Day. Today is for giving thanks for what you have, but here I am lamenting what I dont have, silly me. What I dont have is someone to give to, that they might give thanks to me.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 21:54:20 +0000

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