Sometimes I wonder why the most inconvenient of things seem to be - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I wonder why the most inconvenient of things seem to be the most common. You start off nice to be disrespected and have patience for years, only to continue to get your blessing, yet its never how you expected, it always becomes the next thing that Im tested gain knowledge that is treasure, only to share it with silence, for those who seek not will never find it....the wise man is lonely, while the fool has many to laugh time passes the masses seem more like graveyards because they are dead on the inside, supporting their killers and arguing with their help....I see that understanding leads to peace, but what about those who desire war, what do you do about them, theyre rich and famous and living in mansions, sending the children of the poor to die for their bank accounts sake, not to mention they lead your country and create your laws, only to exclude you from the goodness of the nation....we are overcharged and underpaid, then threatened with homelessness if we dont slave to pay for those things that God gave us for free....month to month we know our future before we live it, we will be occupied with our occupation, that leaves us no time to change the nation....we fear to speak out because our voice is one, yet many feel the same way you do, but the first to speak out is labelled a traitor my the true traitors and haters who work with our enslavers to keep our mouths shut, because no good deed goes unpunished, and the right to speak is limited when it comes to truth of the crimes against the people by the tyrants who rule us in suits in ties, looking you right in the eyes and telling you lies, service with a smile, but a demon in disguise.....we must remember why our blessed ancestors died, how they came together in the name of what was they said no to supporting those who openly worked evil for the devil, and how they stopped buying and selling and did not go to work until changes were made to suit their needs and reasonable desires...for freedom is yet to be seen in this place, where a human life is considered less than gold...and the value of morals are dying slowly each day to be replaced by self hatred and prejudices of each other...boycott by education and dedication to the win this we all must gather the evidence of the crimes they have done against us and present it together, as one people, and refuse to cooperate with society until they hear and listen and do. We must show openly what they have done to the entire world, even as those brave poor countries miles away, who for the sake of their own freedom, threw rocks at tanks....if united we stand...and divided we fall....why are we so close to hitting rock bottom? Because those who know are either afraid, highly paid, or work for the enemy themselves, while those who dont know are used to discredit the patriot who cries out for truth and freedom....
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:08:34 +0000

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