Sometimes I wonder why this madness on the road? last week I - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I wonder why this madness on the road? last week I almost got into a traffic accident due to a crazy driver losing his patience. I was driving from Sendayan towards Seremban, just after the (new) right junction to S2, you will notice that the road is narrow just before the tunnel. the left lane is closed due to some works, and right lane is partially blocked by cones. Me and another car (a volvo i think) infront of me already slowed down and move to center between the lanes, knowing that the 2 lanes become 1 at the tunnel. Suddenly this car (Toyota or Honda, i dunno) from behind me got upset because we slowed down, he swerved to the left AGGRESSIVELY and speed up to takeover me from the left.... probably just a hundred odd meters from the cones. I honked like made, and then he realized he got 3 second to stop before ramming into the cones and concrete. He managed to stop lah. but the car moved like crazy during emergency brake, and almost hit me next to him. (I also tertkan brek a little bit due to shock, but immediately speed up to avoid that car). Of course after that I entertained the rear car with my mid finger. After the tunnel, he sped up like mad (maybe malu la), took over me and the volvo infront, squeeze in between to lorries that was driving side by side, downhill between the tunnel and the Seremban Toll. Then he got stuck in jam. When we pass by him, we all slowed down (me, the volvo and the lorries) and look at the driver. He just sit quietly looking down. Dare not look left or right. Small built male around late 30s or early 40s. in a company uniform. Pretty sure not local. My advise to all: BANG, KALAU NAMPAK ORANG TEMPATAN SEMUA SLOW SATU MACAM, BERATUR JE, JANGAN POTONG LA, KOT KAT DEPAN ADA POLIS/LOBANG/BATU/HANTU. kami lalu jalan ni hari hari la bang, tutup mata pun dah hafal mana lobang. tak payah tunjuk kereta kau laju la, kereta aku pun laju. kalau ko eksiden, ambulan bawak kau pun laju. tapi kalau van jenazah, slow je bang.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 07:57:26 +0000

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