Sometimes You May Feel Overlooked and unappreciated I know - TopicsExpress


Sometimes You May Feel Overlooked and unappreciated I know sometimes I do but then I read my bible and always remember this: One fella I know of had a job that was apparently beneath his older brothers, so he did the job by himself. Even his earthly father overlooked him. Huh? Yes Im talking about David. When Samuel arrived to anoint the new King of Israel he invited Jesse and his sons to a sacrifice, but Jesse didnt bother to send for David. He overlooked him. Maybe he didnt know that David had killed a Lion because he overlooked him. Maybe he didnt know how David killed a bear because he overlooked him. Maybe he didnt realize how good a shepherd David was because many times, when youre good at something, no one notices how good you are until you mess-up are leave. Youre good, but overlooked. While David was keeping the sheep God was keeping him. When David the shepherd wondered if anyone cared about him, the Lord spoke up and said I am your shepherd, you shall not want. When David felt like everyone else was prospering and even asked, Lord, how are they increased that trouble me, God spoke to him and inspired him to WRITE, thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head, and then he WROTE, the LORD sustained me, and then he WROTE I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people. He was even inspired to WRITE to his enemies, know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him. David was called in from the field and anointed in front of his father, brothers, and anyone else that overlooked him, then ended up right back in the field with the sheep, possibly wondering what the anointing was for if he was going to be hanging out with sheep. But, when the appointed time came, God overlooked everyone that had overlooked David and plucked him out of the fields because he knew him. All that time being overlooked was time spent drawing closer to God. So close that he would be called a man after Gods own heart. Obviously the gift and the anointing were (are) not enough. Humility that only comes from an intimate relationship with God, thats strengthened by relying on him, in Faith, through unpleasant and seemingly unfair circumstances, must first be developed. This type of relationship cant be developed in cliques, but in fact can only be developed when you dare to do you. No matter how un-cool, no matter how lonely, no matter how long the odds of success, no matter who misunderstands, and no matter how overlooked. Its a blessing to be overlooked by man. It means God has you right where he needs you......for now. Got to trust God he knows what he Is doing!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 15:09:24 +0000

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