Sometimes a good intention falls through…as most of you know me, - TopicsExpress


Sometimes a good intention falls through…as most of you know me, I am not trying to toot my own horn at all, but I love giving and helping others not for what I get back but for the pure love of people. If there was any way I could do for others anonymously then I certainly would. At times, it is not always possible. This past Friday, Alan stopped and got me a watermelon and a cantaloupe. I have not gotten into that watermelon yet, but I did eat the cantaloupe. I guess I am a little embarrassed that I ate most of it. It was wonderful and so very good I couldn’t help myself. So Saturday, I went uptown to go get a few more to take to our family reunion, along with a watermelon. I was a little disappointed when I got to the same place that they had sold out of cantaloupes but explained there was a truck coming back but it may be a few hours. I knew I would not be in town then so I headed back but on the way I happened to see the peanut man. I whipped in there and asked if they had any cantaloupes and I was told they did not have any and that the couple ahead of me was looking for some also. I knew who that very sweet couple was… They have always been so kind to my family and to me!!! I have the utmost respect for them and their precious loving family. They waved by as they pulled away. Well on with my story…I went back to the house to pick up the kids and head out. We were going to eat with my parents and I was running a tad bit late which is so unlike me. HAHA to the ones that know me. We left home and went to 301 and 280 and in the distance I saw this larger truck at the place I originally tried to purchase cantaloupes. I turned quickly trying to explain to the boys why I was not still on 301 heading to Statesboro. I pulled up and realized the cantaloupe truck had made its delivery. I was so excited and instantly thought about that sweet couple would be happy if they had a couple of cantaloupes too. When I was asked how many cantaloupes I wanted I said 6. The boys said, “SIX!!!” I again tried to explain 3 for the family reunion, 1 more for our house (for me to eat), and I would take 2 to the kind couple I so adore. So the whole way to the couples house to drop off the cantaloupes, I told the boys they would be the ones getting out and taking it to the door to drop off and I told them exactly what to say. I talked for about 10 minutes and then we arrived at their house. The boys seemed to be paying attention but they always seem to listen to me. haha We arrived at their home… I thought the little “rocks decorations” in front of their house was a little parking area for their visitors so I pulled on the little rock pad. The boys complained that was not a parking area and I was on some landscape. Oops…I am sorry!!! I really need to be more observant. So here go the boys…each with a cantaloupe in his hand heading to the front door. Of course, Karla has to run along too. However, before they got there Kalan ran back to tell me yelling they forgot what to say…uuuggghhhh… I quickly explained again he said forget it…I am just giving them the cantaloupes and leaving. I can’t remember that much. The image I am seeing is Kalan standing at the door knocking balancing a cantaloupe on one hand and Taylor standing in the yard balancing the other one and Karla twirling around while waiting and listening to the boys still fussing at me for parking in the wrong place. It didn’t take long to realize we were at the wrong house. The boys could hear someone inside telling their dog to hush. The boys think the people inside thought we were selling cantaloupes. As I pulled away, I looked back and realized neither vehicle in the garage was the same one I saw the couple in uptown at the peanut man’s stand. I told the kids I should have paid closer attention to that before I sent them away on a wild goose chase. The boys said, “You think???” Thanks for boys for trying to help me. Oh…one more thing. Boys, I am sorry you think the guy up town had a little too much to drink and really didn’t want money from me to buy a hot dog. He said he was hungry. I know you both wanted me to give him the cantaloupes instead of money for a hot dog. Yes, I realize if he was hungry he would have eaten the cantaloupes but he didn’t look like a cantaloupe kind of guy. No, I didn’t have time for y’all to prove me wrong once again by staying at the store to see if he did indeed purchase a hot dog. Remember we were running late a tad bit 45 minutes ago and now we were just down right late. Daddy ended up calling us just as we crossed over I-16 telling me he thought I was coming today. Well…I did really try and am so sorry the cantaloupes were never delivered to the correct place.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 04:42:23 +0000

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