Sometimes, all you can do in a situation is breathe and pray your - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, all you can do in a situation is breathe and pray your way through it. Well, heres another opportunity for me to learn the power of surrendering at 2:35 a.m. HA! Got some bad news yesterday one that, as of now, I dont have an answer to. For the psychologist in me, not being able to find the answer immediately is frustrating...hence my lesson in surrendering. Its during these times when you cant find your answer that I/we must really take a look at who we are and why we are doing what we doing. For me, Ive noticed that when Im being asked to surrendering it usually means that I somehow have fallen back into my produce or over-achievement mode, trying to do everything on my own instead of allowing the ebb and flow of faith, intuition, and spiritual guidance to direct me, if that makes sense. I also recognize that my need to do it alone comes from my unconscious need to survive, which everyone has and some of us have it a little stronger due to circumstances in our past or current situation. However, what I have learned, especially this year, is that in those moments of learning to surrender, which for me usually means at the very core - to trust - that is when miracles occur and in this situation, I think I need a I surrender ALL! As 2015 is fast approaching, Im sensing a strong desire to make sure my overall foundation for my personal life and business are strong and in place in order to handle and maintain the magnitude and new wave of growth and abundance I feel is coming. But, what does that mean to lay the foundation? Well, that would take a class for me to explain (stay tuned) but I will say this, laying your foundation means identifying what is your absolute truth and then living by that truth unapologetically. Ok, thats enough for my early morning rant, hope it helps and inspires you to stop, breathe, surrender, trust and PRESS ON! Today is Monday ~ Make It YOURS!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:06:29 +0000

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