Sometimes its not fathers that have their children wrongfully - TopicsExpress


Sometimes its not fathers that have their children wrongfully ripped away & brainwashed by the other parent or grand parents, its the loving mother. While it happens more often because of vengeful, hate filled ex wives or girlfriends that want nothing more in this world than to punish the father for walking away from a horrible & painful marriage & living them. They have abandonment issues. Men can be just as vicious in this form of abuse. Oddly enough, most men dont report abuse from their wives therefore, in court they have no witnesses to help them. This has become a norm in our country. On the flip side of that most domestic abuse is viewed as normal coming from the husband yet after the marriage is over when shes finally escaped the years of abuse, people choose not to believe a father capable of parental alienation towards their mother. No matter how long you have known someone you dont know what they are capable of as well as their spouse or long time significant other does. If the mother hid the abuse from the children to protect them it makes the perfect weapon for the father to use & say Did you ever see it? No then it never happened. In this way the mother has protected her children so well that they are now the very weapon used against her. Lita Ford is going through this very thing with her 2 precious boys at the hands of their vindictive father. Children living through it are brainwashed. Therapy is needed for both child & alienated parent. Its painful, its soul rendering & the alienating parent/grandparent will never stop.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:22:33 +0000

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