Sometimes its particularly challenging to wrap our heads around - TopicsExpress


Sometimes its particularly challenging to wrap our heads around how God is sovereign, knows the end from the beginning, and yet somehow accomplishes his purpose through our mistakes, free will, and even willful defiance. Heres a good example: I just read the story of Jacob deceiving Isaac to obtain the blessing. Before the twins were born, God clearly told Rebekah that the older would serve the younger (Gen. 25:23). Surely Isaac knew this, yet his own personal preferences (meat!!) shaped his preference (ie, love) to Esau, rather than Jacob. A potential conflict is shaping up. In the ensuing years, the boys character is displayed, and on one significant occasion Esau is so hungry that he agrees to willingly give up his birthright to Jacob in exchange for some stew (hmm, food shaping things again...). Now the stage is set. Jacob has the right of the firstborn. But how does he get the blessing associated with it, when dad prefers the other brother? The time comes for Isaac to pass on the blessing, thinking he is going to die soon (he doesnt - he seems to have survived long enough to have seen all 12 of Jacobs sons, at least 25 years ...), and knowing what God said to Rebekah before J&Es birth, still intends to willfully impose his preference in giving the blessing. Oh NO! How is God going to pull this one out of the fire to accomplish HIS will? Then a slew of deceptive manoeuvres follow (AGAIN involving food!), by mom and Jacob. Was that right? No. Was it justified? No. Was there another, more righteous, ideal way? Sure, probably. Ironically, in my reading of this story today, it was also coupled (in the plan I use) with Psalm 11. Here are a couple of relevant verses: But GOD hasn’t moved to the mountains; his holy address hasn’t changed. He’s in charge, as always, his eyes taking everything in, his eyelids Unblinking, examining Adam’s unruly brood inside and out, not missing a thing. He tests the good and the bad alike; if anyone cheats, God’s outraged. Fail the test and you’re out, out in a hail of firestones, Drinking from a canteen filled with hot desert wind. GOD’s business is putting things right; he loves getting the lines straight, Setting us straight. Once we’re standing tall, we can look him straight in the eye. (Psalm 11:4-7 MSG) So Jacob lies and flagrantly deceives his dad, gets the blessing, and while Isaac is furious, there is no record of him chewing out Jacob for that. Perhaps because he knew he was violating Gods plan announced before the kids were even born. Somehow, despite the cut and dried Ps 11 passage, God overlooks the sin of deception (both mom and Jacob), the cheating, because He also is in the business of putting things right. He doesnt condone our screwups, or our wrong free will choices, but allows them, or somehow nonetheless orchestrates them, into the fulfillment of his purposes anyway. Wow.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:14:42 +0000

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