Sometimes, just sometimes, I would love to be able to turn off the - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, just sometimes, I would love to be able to turn off the emotions of a woman and have a more cynical outlook on things more like a man. I dont understand whats wrong with men these days. They dont work. They would rather sit home and play games or resort to doing illegal activities, while the woman breaks her back for a million bucks that she cant take to her grave. The woman will work 3-4 jobs, if thats what it takes, to support the babies and the man of the house. And men are comfortable with this type of relationship. They say some of the most hurtful things anyone can imagine and have no remorse. They use you for their benefit, let you support their butt, and discard you when things are no longer convenient for them. Not only do they use you and abuse you, but they brag about it! They are mean, say hurtful things, and put down your children and think this is okay. What happened to encouraging the young to be their best? I am ashamed at the men of my generation. No way, no how, will I bother to date let alone fall for another man within 5 +/- years of my age. They are poison. Rotten from the inside out.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 01:07:15 +0000

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